All rule/standards interpretation will be left to the discretion of the principal.
ABS1– Student will follow all regulations from the Rockdale County Public School Handbook, base school handbook, and from juvenile court.
ABS2– Student will work on assigned materials and activities at all times. Students will refrain from sleeping, distracting other students, disrupting the learning environment, compliance with adult/teacher directives, etc.
ABS3– Students will refrain from producing or being in possession of any drawings or making/performing and handshakes or gestures pertaining to gangs, sex, weapons, or drugs on school property, school bus, or any RCPS school property. (RCPS Rule 14.3/Rule 18)
ABS4– Students will remain in their assigned area unless they have their supervising adult’s permission.
ABS5– Students will refrain from any inappropriate touching of other students/adults. This includes but is not limited to horse playing, hitting, brushing, hand holding, hugging, kissing, fondling, and other displays of affection. (RCPS Rule 1.3/Rule 18.3)
ABS6– Students will adhere to the Alpha Academy Dress Code at all times. All students will wear the assigned uniform with their shirt tucked into their regulation khaki pants. All students must wear their pants on their waistline, with a belt, at all times as deemed by the principal. At no time should any part of any student’s posterior be exposed even if covered by their shirt. No under garments should be exposed at anytime.
ABS7– Students will only wear a plain white undershirt under their uniform with no distinguishing patterns, emblems, words, or markings every day at all times (If student elects to wear an undershirt).
ABS8– Students will not bring any electronic devices on school grounds, on the bus, or the bus stop, at any time unless it is approved by an administrator. This includes but is not limited to iPods, hand held video games, mp3, music devices, cameras, and cellular phones.
ABS9– Students will not use inappropriate language and/or voice tone towards adults or peers. This includes but is not limited to slurs (regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion or creed), profane language, and sexual innuendos. (RCPS Rule 19)
ABS10- Students will refrain from bullying. This includes but is not limited to: taunting (verbal/nonverbal), physical or verbal aggression, name calling, teasing, and intimidation. (RCPS Rule 6)
ABS11- Students will be on time. Loitering outside the building will not permitted. Once the student arrives at the school, he or she will report immediately to the mandatory search area. (RCPS Rule 24)
ABS12- Students are not permitted on any RCPS property or any RCPS school events/activities except the Alpha Academy without being escorted by a parent/guardian. (RCPS Rule 24)
ABS13– Students will only use computers for academic purposes (research, test prep, teacher assigned projects/websites, etc...) Inappropriate websites/computer usage includes but is not limited to: importing, exporting, viewing, distribution, printing, or creation of inappropriate, illicit, or illegal materials including pornography, any materials demeaning another person or containing lewd, profane, or vulgar words, gestures or actions or any records, social network sites such as Facebook or MySpace, and files or materials to which the student should not have access.
ABS14- Students will comply with reasonable directions or commands of teachers, paraprofessionals, substitute teachers, principals, administrators, school bus drivers, or other authorized personnel when on school grounds or during school activity, function, or event off school grounds, or while under school supervision. (RCPS Rule 9.1)
ABS15- Students will comply with conference or search by school personnel. This includes but is not limited to purses/handbags, wallets, and binders (RCPS Rule 9.2)
ABS16- Student will demonstrate the ability to resolve conflicts without physical and/or verbal misconduct.
ABS17– Students will not wear any jewelry of any kind. This includes but is not limited to rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, non – standard belt buckles or any ornamentation.